
Go to the documentation of this file.
00008 #ifndef OPCTOOL_H
00009 #include "opctool.h"
00010 #endif
00012 #ifndef PIXEL
00013 #error 'PIXEL' must be defined.  It specifies the pixel format (i.e. uint8, uint16, uint32).
00014 #endif
00016 /*
00018  * PIXEL_OUTPUT( fp, p )
00019  *
00020  * Define these macros to customize pixel output, to break up RGB like the palette
00021  * output does, or simply to make the numbers pretty-print the way YOU think they're
00022  * most pretty.
00023  *
00024  * PIXEL_OUTPUT takes a file pointer (i.e. for printf) and a pixel, and is 
00025  * expected to output an array member, and return length of output, like fprintf.
00026  */
00035 void OPC_NAMING(ShrinkBound)( OPC* dst, const OPC* src, OPC_NAMING(Pixel) transparent )
00036 {
00037     if( dst != src )
00038         *dst = *src;
00039     /* Move down top edge until it hits something */
00040     while( dst->clip.top < dst->clip.bottom )
00041     {
00042         OPC_NAMING(Pixel) pixel = transparent;
00043         const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* curr = OPC_PTR( dst, dst->clip.left,dst->clip.top );
00044         int x;
00045         for( x = dst->clip.left; x < dst->clip.right; ++x )
00046         {
00047             pixel = *curr++;
00048             if( pixel != transparent )
00049                 break;
00050         }
00051         if( pixel != transparent )
00052             break;
00053         dst->clip.top++;
00054     }
00055     /* Move up bottom edge until it hits something */
00056     while( dst->clip.top < dst->clip.bottom )
00057     {
00058         OPC_NAMING(Pixel) pixel = transparent;
00059         const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* curr = OPC_PTR( dst, dst->clip.left,dst->clip.bottom-1 );
00060         int x;
00061         for( x = dst->clip.left; x < dst->clip.right; ++x )
00062         {
00063             pixel = *curr++;
00064             if( pixel != transparent )
00065                 break;
00066         }
00067         if( pixel != transparent )
00068             break;
00069         dst->clip.bottom--;
00070     }
00071     /* Move left edge right until it hits something */
00072     while( dst->clip.left < dst->clip.right )
00073     {
00074         OPC_NAMING(Pixel) pixel = transparent;
00075         const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* curr = OPC_PTR( dst, dst->clip.left,dst->clip.top );
00076         int pitch = dst->pitch;
00077         int y;
00078         for( y = dst->clip.top; y < dst->clip.bottom; ++y )
00079         {
00080             pixel = *curr;
00081             curr = (OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)((uint8*)curr + pitch);
00082             if( pixel != transparent )
00083                 break;
00084         }
00085         if( pixel != transparent )
00086             break;
00087         dst->clip.left++;
00088     }
00089     /* Move right edge left until it hits something */
00090     while( dst->clip.left < dst->clip.right )
00091     {
00092         OPC_NAMING(Pixel) pixel = transparent;
00093         const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* curr = OPC_PTR( dst, dst->clip.right-1,dst->clip.top );
00094         int pitch = dst->pitch;
00095         int y;
00096         for( y = dst->clip.top; y < dst->clip.bottom; ++y )
00097         {
00098             pixel = *curr;
00099             curr = (OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)((uint8*)curr + pitch);
00100             if( pixel != transparent )
00101                 break;
00102         }
00103         if( pixel != transparent )
00104             break;
00105         dst->clip.right--;
00106     }
00107 }
00117 size_t OPC_NAMING(Shape_Calc)( const OPC* src, OPC_NAMING(Pixel) transparent, bool bMask )
00118 {
00119     size_t dataLen = 0;
00120     size_t codeLen = 0;
00121     int x, y;
00122     for( y = src->clip.top; y < src->clip.bottom; ++y )
00123     {
00124         for( x = src->clip.left; x < src->clip.right; )
00125         {
00126             {
00127                 const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* line = OPC_PTR( src, x,y );
00128                 int skip = 0;
00129                 for( ; x < src->clip.right && skip < MAX_SKIP && *line++ == transparent; x++ )
00130                     skip++;
00131                 if( skip )
00132                 {
00133                     codeLen++;
00134                 }
00135             }
00136             {
00137                 const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* line = OPC_PTR( src, x,y );
00138                 int run = 0;
00139                 for( ; x < src->clip.right && run < MAX_DUMP && *line++ != transparent; x++ )
00140                     run++;
00141                 if( run )
00142                 {
00143                     codeLen++;
00144                     if( !bMask )
00145                         dataLen+=run;
00146                 }
00147             }
00148         }
00149         codeLen++;
00150     }
00151     codeLen++;
00152     return sizeof(OPCShape) + (codeLen+sizeof(int)) + (dataLen * sizeof(OPC_NAMING(Pixel)));
00153 }
00188 OPCShape* OPC_NAMING(Shape_Create)( const OPC* src, OPC_NAMING(Pixel) transparent, void* buffer, bool bMask )
00189 {
00190     OPC bound;
00191     OPCShape* shape = (OPCShape*)buffer;
00192     int8* pCode = (int8*)(shape+1);
00193     int x, y;
00194     OPC_NAMING(ShrinkBound)( &bound, src, transparent );
00195 #ifdef OPC_POINTERS
00196     shape->code = pCode;
00197     shape->data = NULL;
00198     shape->pack = NULL;
00199 #else
00200     shape->code = pCode-(int8*)shape;
00201     shape->data = 0;
00202     shape->pack = 0;
00203 #endif
00204     shape->wide = (uint16)RectWide(bound.clip);
00205     shape->high = (uint16)RectHigh(bound.clip);
00206     shape->xOff = (int16)bound.clip.left;
00207     shape->yOff = (int16)bound.clip.top;
00208     for( y = bound.clip.top; y < bound.clip.bottom; ++y )
00209     {
00210         for( x = bound.clip.left; x < bound.clip.right; )
00211         {
00212             {
00213                 /* Skip transparent */
00214                 const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* line = OPC_PTR( src, x,y );
00215                 int skip = 0;
00216                 for( x = x; x < bound.clip.right && skip < MAX_SKIP && *line == transparent; x++, skip++, line++ )
00217                     ;
00218                 if( skip )
00219                 {
00220                     *pCode++ = SKIP_CODE(skip);
00221                     continue;
00222                 }
00223             }
00224             {
00225                 /* Now do RLE on non-transparent pixels */
00226                 const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* line = OPC_PTR( src, x,y );
00227                 int dump = 0;
00228                 for( x = x; x < bound.clip.right && dump < MAX_DUMP && *line != transparent; x++, dump++, line++ ) /* Small optimization for 8/16 bit data on large, solid shapes */
00229                 if( !bMask ) /* If we're building a mask, we don't need to break lines down */
00230                 {
00231                     /* Look for runs of color in dump */
00232                     PIXEL prun = *line;
00233                     const PIXEL* scanLine = line+1;
00234                     int run = 1;
00235                     int tmpx;
00236                     for( tmpx = x+1; tmpx < bound.clip.right && run < MAX_RUN && *scanLine == prun && *scanLine != transparent; tmpx++, run++, scanLine++ )
00237                         ;
00238                     if( run >= MIN_RUN ) /* We want more than mere crumbs of run */
00239                     {
00240                         /* Output dump code */
00241                         if( dump )
00242                         {
00243                             *pCode++ = DUMP_CODE(dump);
00244                             dump = 0;
00245                         }
00246                         /* Output run length */
00247                         *pCode++ = RUN_CODE(run);
00248                         x = tmpx;
00249                         break;
00250                     }
00251                 }
00252                 if( dump )
00253                 {
00254                     *pCode++ = DUMP_CODE(dump);
00255                 }
00256             }
00257         }
00258         /* Consume any trailing skips (a wide shape might contain two or more skips on the trailing edge of the line) */
00259         if( *(pCode-1) < 0 && *(pCode-1) != -128 && pCode > (int8*)(shape+1) )
00260             *--pCode = -128;
00261         *pCode++ = -128;
00262     }
00263     /* Terminate, removing all trailing skips */
00264     while( *(pCode-1) < 0 && pCode > (int8*)(shape+1) )
00265         --pCode;
00266     *pCode++ = 0;
00267     /* Clear extra bytes & align 'pointer' */
00268     while( (size_t)pCode & 3 )
00269         *pCode++ = 0;
00270     if( bMask )
00271     {
00272         shape->data = 0;
00273     }
00274     else
00275     {
00276     /* Get pixel data onto integer boundary */
00277 #ifdef OPC_POINTERS
00278         shape->data = pCode;
00279 #else
00280         shape->data = pCode-(int8*)shape;
00281 #endif
00282         {
00283             /*
00284              * Now that we know how big the code is, we can copy the data onto the 
00285              * end of it. Use the rle code we generated to determine what to copy
00286              */
00287 #ifdef OPC_POINTERS
00288             const int8* pCode = shape->code;
00289             OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pData = (OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)shape->data;
00290 #else
00291             const int8* pCode = (int8*)shape + shape->code;
00292             OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pData = (OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)((uint8*)shape + shape->data);
00293 #endif
00294             const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pSrc = OPC_PTR( src, bound.clip.left,bound.clip.top );
00295             const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pSpan = pSrc;
00296             size_t wrote = 0;
00297             for( ; ; )
00298             {
00299                 int curr = *pCode++;
00300                 if( IS_SKIP(curr) )
00301                 {
00302                     if( IS_EOL(curr) )
00303                         pSpan = pSrc = (OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)((uint8*)pSrc + bound.pitch);
00304                     else
00305                         pSpan += SKIP_LEN(curr);
00306                 }
00307                 else if( IS_RUNDUMP(curr) )
00308                 {
00309                     if( IS_RUN(curr) )
00310                     {
00311                         OPC_HCOPY(pData,pSpan,1);
00312                         pSpan += RUN_LEN(curr);
00313                         pData += 1;
00314                         wrote += sizeof(OPC_NAMING(Pixel));
00315                     }
00316                     else /* if( IS_DUMP(curr) ) */
00317                     {
00318                         OPC_HCOPY(pData,pSpan,curr);
00319                         pSpan += DUMP_LEN(curr);
00320                         pData += DUMP_LEN(curr);
00321                         wrote += DUMP_LEN(curr) * sizeof(OPC_NAMING(Pixel));
00322                     }
00323                 }
00324                 else
00325                 {
00326                     break;
00327                 }
00328             }
00329             if( !wrote )
00330                 shape->data = 0;
00331         }
00332         /* Now we know how big the whole thing is. */
00333         /*shape->size = (uint8*)pData - (uint8*)shape;*/
00334     }
00335     return shape;
00336 }
00341 size_t OPC_NAMING(Shape_Pack_Needs)( OPCShape* shape )
00342 {
00343     /*
00344      * If we needed more space than DataSize, compression fails
00345      */
00346     return OPC_NAMING(Shape_DataSize)( shape );
00347 }
00373 size_t OPC_NAMING(Shape_Pack)( OPCShape* shape, void* buffer )
00374 {
00375 #ifdef OPC_POINTERS
00376     int8* pCode = shape->code;
00377     OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pData = (OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)shape->data;
00378 #else
00379     int8* pCode = (int8*)shape + shape->code;
00380     OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pData = (OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)((uint8*)shape + shape->data);
00381 #endif
00382     if( pData && !shape->pack )
00383     {
00384         /*
00385          * Go through the shape run-by-run, and see if any runs can be 
00386          * made from earlier data, or if runs are just a solid fill-color.
00387          *
00388          * Unsigned 16 bit window
00389          * >0: Lookup pixels from earlier spans (length from 'pCode')
00390          * 0: Start from current position
00391          *
00392          * Special case: a run may be added to from '-code' that is 
00393          * shorter than 'span', if the additional bytes are added after 
00394          * it.  For instance, a previous span ended '...21234', and the 
00395          * current one is '23456...,' the '234' can be used for the 
00396          * current span, only adding '56...' on the end.  This will help 
00397          * with some pattern fills that might not have compressed at all.
00398          *
00399          */
00400         opc_pack_type* pIndexBegin = (opc_pack_type*)(buffer);
00401         opc_pack_type* pIndexEnd = pIndexBegin;
00402         opc_pack_type* pIndexes = pIndexBegin;
00403         const int8* pCodeEnd, *pCodeBegin;
00404         int indexCount = 0;
00405         OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pixBegin, *pixCurr;
00406         OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pixEnd = (uint8*)buffer + OPC_NAMING(Shape_DataSize)( shape );
00407         {
00408             pCodeBegin = pCodeEnd = pCode;
00409             while( *pCodeEnd )
00410             {
00411                 int code = *pCodeEnd++;
00412                 if( IS_DUMP(code) )
00413                     indexCount++;
00414             }
00415             pIndexEnd = pIndexBegin + indexCount;
00416             while( (size_t)pIndexEnd & 3 )
00417             {
00418                 pIndexEnd++;
00419             }
00420             pixBegin = pixCurr = (OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)pIndexEnd;
00421         }
00422         while( pixCurr < pixEnd )
00423         {
00424             int code = *pCode++;
00425             if( IS_RUN(code) )
00426             {
00427                 /*
00428                  * Runs of color are transferred without an index lookup
00429                  */
00430                 /* Don't smash RAM */
00431                 if( pixCurr + 1 > pixEnd )
00432                     break;
00433                 *pixCurr++ = *pData++;
00434             }
00435             else if( IS_DUMP(code) )
00436             {
00437                 assert( pCode <= pCodeEnd );
00438                 assert( pIndexes < (opc_pack_type*)pixBegin );
00439                 /* See if some of new run can be re-used from previous run */
00440                 {
00441                     int best = 0;
00442                     int bestLen = 0;
00443                     int index = 0;
00444                     const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* scan = pixCurr;
00445                     while( scan-- > pixBegin && ++index < opc_pack_max )
00446                     {
00447                         size_t scanLen = min(pixCurr-scan,code);
00448                         if( !memcmp(scan,pData,sizeof(OPC_NAMING(Pixel))*scanLen) )
00449                         {
00450                             best = index;
00451                             bestLen = scanLen;
00452                             /* If we found a match equal to full code size, mission accomplished */
00453                             if( bestLen == code )
00454                                 break;
00455                         }
00456                     }
00457                     if( bestLen > 0 )
00458                     {
00459                         *pIndexes++ = best;
00460                         if( bestLen < code )
00461                         {
00462                             /* Don't smash RAM */
00463                             if( pixCurr + (code-bestLen) > pixEnd )
00464                                 break;
00465                             memcpy( pixCurr, pData+best, sizeof(OPC_NAMING(Pixel))*(code-bestLen) );
00466                             pixCurr += (code-bestLen);
00467                         }
00468                         pData += code;
00469                         continue;
00470                     }
00471                 }
00472                 /* Just dump new run on end and hope future runs are better */
00473                 {
00474                     /* Don't smash RAM */
00475                     if( pixCurr + code > pixEnd )
00476                         break;
00477                     *pIndexes++ = 0;
00478                     memcpy( pixCurr, pData, sizeof(OPC_NAMING(Pixel))*code );
00479                     pixCurr += code;
00480                     pData += code;
00481                 }
00482             }
00483             else if( code == 0 )
00484             {
00485                 /* 
00486                  * We hit the end and didn't run out? SUCCESS!
00487                  * Update OPCShape, copy new data, etc.
00488                  */
00489                 size_t packsize = (size_t)pixCurr - (size_t)buffer;
00491                 /* Clear extra bytes & align pointer */
00492                 while( (size_t)pCode & 3 )
00493                     *pCode++ = 0;
00494                 memcpy( pCode, buffer, packsize );
00496 #ifdef OPC_POINTERS
00497                 shape->pack = pCode;
00498                 shape->data = pCode + (pIndexEnd-pIndexBegin);
00499 #else
00500                 shape->pack = (size_t)pCode - (size_t)shape;
00501                 shape->data = shape->pack + (pIndexEnd-pIndexBegin);
00502 #endif
00504                 return OPC_NAMING(Shape_TotalSize)( shape );
00505             }
00506             /* else if( code < 0 ), we ignore it. */
00507         }
00508     }
00509     /*
00510      * Just return input shape's size
00511      */
00512     return OPC_NAMING(Shape_TotalSize)( shape );
00513 }
00521 void OPC_NAMING(ExportH)( const OPC* opc, FILE* fp, const char* szname )
00522 {
00523     fprintf( fp, "#define %s_BOUND(x,y)\t{(x),(y),(x)+%d,(y)+%d}\n", szname, RectWide(opc->clip), RectHigh(opc->clip) );
00524     fprintf( fp, "#define %s_WIDE\t%d\n", szname, RectWide(opc->clip) );
00525     fprintf( fp, "#define %s_HIGh\t%d\n", szname, RectHigh(opc->clip) );
00526     fprintf( fp, "extern const OPC %s; /* Stamp */\n", szname );
00527 }
00538 void OPC_NAMING(ExportC)( const OPC* opc, FILE* fp, const char* modifier, const char* szname, const char* szComment, ... )
00539 {
00540     if( szComment )
00541     {
00542         va_list args;
00543         va_start( args, szComment );     /* Initialize variable arguments. */
00544         fputs( "\n/*\n * ", fp );
00545         vfprintf( fp, szComment, args );
00546         fputs( "\n */\n", fp );
00547     }
00548     fprintf( fp, "static const OPC_NAMING(Pixel) data_%s[];\n", szname );
00549     if( modifier && *modifier )
00550         fprintf( fp, "%s ", modifier );
00551     fprintf( fp, "const OPC %s = /* Stamp */\n{\n", szname );
00552     fprintf( fp, "\t(uint8*)data_%s,\t/* origin */\n", szname );
00553     fprintf( fp, "\t%d,\t/* pitch */\n", abs(opc->pitch) );
00554     fprintf( fp, "\t{%d,%d,%d,%d}\t/* clip */\n", opc->clip.left, opc->clip.top, opc->clip.right, opc->clip.bottom );
00555     fputs( "};\n", fp );
00556 }
00558 /*
00559  * TODO: 
00560  *  Export RGB data as macro that takes red,green,blue 0..255 levels: 
00561  *  RGB(ab,cd,ef) -> {0xab,0xcd,0xef}, or XLAT(0xab,0xcd,0xef)
00562  *  
00563  */
00572 void OPC_NAMING(ExportCData)( const OPC* opc, FILE* fp, const char* szname )
00573 {
00574 #ifndef GIVEUP_AFTER
00575 #define GIVEUP_AFTER    15
00576 #endif
00577     size_t curr;
00578     const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)* pData = (const OPC_NAMING(Pixel)*)opc->origin;
00579     size_t size = OPC_NAMING(Needs)( RectWide(opc->clip), RectHigh(opc->clip) );
00580     unsigned wrap = min( RectWide(opc->clip), GIVEUP_AFTER );
00581     fprintf( fp, "static const OPC_NAMING(Pixel) data_%s[%d] = \n{\n\t", szname, size );
00582 #ifdef PIXEL_OUTPUT
00583     for( curr = 0; curr < size; ++curr )
00584     {
00585         PIXEL_OUTPUT( fp, *pData++ );
00586         if( (curr % wrap) == wrap - 1 )
00587             fputs( "\n\t", fp );
00588     }
00589 #else
00590     switch(sizeof(OPC_NAMING(Pixel)))
00591     {
00592     case 1:
00593         for( curr = 0; curr < size; ++curr )
00594         {
00595             fprintf( fp, "%3d,", (unsigned)*pData++ );
00596             if( (curr % wrap) == wrap - 1 )
00597                 fputs( "\n\t", fp );
00598         }
00599         break;
00600     case 2:
00601         for( curr = 0; curr < size; ++curr )
00602         {
00603             fprintf( fp, "0x%04x,", (unsigned)*pData++ );
00604             if( (curr % wrap) == wrap - 1 )
00605                 fputs( "\n\t", fp );
00606         }
00607         break;
00608     case 4:
00609         for( curr = 0; curr < size; ++curr )
00610         {
00611             fprintf( fp, "0x%08x,", (unsigned)*pData++ );
00612             if( (curr % wrap) == wrap - 1 )
00613                 fputs( "\n\t", fp );
00614         }
00615         break;
00616     case 8:
00617         for( curr = 0; curr < size; ++curr )
00618         {
00619             fprintf( fp, "0x%" LLX(char) ",", (uint64)*pData++ );
00620             if( (curr % wrap) == wrap - 1 )
00621                 fputs( "\n\t", fp );
00622         }
00623         break;
00624     default:
00625         throwassert( "Invalid pixel size." );
00626         break;
00627     }
00628     fputs( "\n};\n", fp );
00629 #endif
00630 }
00639 void OPC_NAMING(Shape_ExportH)( const OPCShape* shape, FILE* fp, const char* szname, bool bMask )
00640 {
00641     fprintf( fp, "#define %s_BOUND(x,y)\t{ (x)+%d, (y)+%d, (x)+%d+%d, (y)+%d+%d }\n", szname, shape->xOff, shape->yOff, shape->xOff, shape->xOff+shape->wide, shape->yOff, shape->yOff + shape->high );
00642     fprintf( fp, "#define %s_WIDE\t%d\n", szname, shape->wide );
00643     fprintf( fp, "#define %s_HIGH\t%d\n", szname, shape->high );
00644     fprintf( fp, "extern const OPCShape %s;\n", szname );
00645 }
00657 void OPC_NAMING(Shape_ExportC)( const OPCShape* shape, FILE* fp, const char* modifier, const char* szname, bool bMask, const char* szComment, ... )
00658 {
00659     if( szComment )
00660     {
00661         va_list args;
00662         va_start( args, szComment );     /* Initialize variable arguments. */
00663         fputs( "\n/*\n * ", fp );
00664         vfprintf( fp, szComment, args );
00665         fputs( "\n */\n", fp );
00666     }
00667     fprintf( fp, "static const int8 code_%s[%u];\n", szname, OPC_NAMING(Shape_CodeSize)( shape ) );
00668     if( !bMask && shape->data )
00669         fprintf( fp, "static const OPC_NAMING(Pixel) data_%s[%u];\n", szname, OPC_NAMING(Shape_DataSize)( shape ) );
00670     if( !bMask && shape->pack )
00671         fprintf( fp, "static const opc_pack_type pack_%s[%u];\n", szname, OPC_NAMING(Shape_PackLutSize)( shape ) );
00672     if( modifier && *modifier )
00673         fprintf( fp, "%s ", modifier );
00674     fprintf( fp, "const OPCShape %s =\n", szname );
00675     fputs( "{\n", fp );
00676     fprintf( fp, "\t%3d,\t/* xOff */\n", shape->xOff );
00677     fprintf( fp, "\t%3d,\t/* yOff */\n", shape->yOff );
00678     fprintf( fp, "\t%3u,\t/* wide */\n", shape->wide );
00679     fprintf( fp, "\t%3u,\t/* high */\n", shape->high );
00680     fprintf( fp, "\tcode_%s,\t/* code */\n", szname );
00681     if( bMask || !shape->data )
00682         fprintf( fp, "\tNULL,\t/* no data */\n" );
00683     else
00684         fprintf( fp, "\tdata_%s,\t/* data */\n", szname );
00685     if( bMask || !shape->pack )
00686         fprintf( fp, "\tNULL,\t/* no pack */\n" );
00687     else
00688         fprintf( fp, "\tpack_%s,\t/* packed */\n", szname );
00689     fputs( "};\n", fp );
00690 }
00700 void OPC_NAMING(Shape_ExportCData)( const OPCShape* shape, FILE* fp, const char* szname, bool bMask )
00701 {
00702     size_t cCode = OPC_NAMING(Shape_CodeSize)( shape );
00703     size_t curr;
00704 #ifdef OPC_POINTERS
00705     const int8* pCode = shape->code;
00706 #else
00707     const int8* pCode = (int8*)shape + shape->code;
00708 #endif
00709     /* Lay out codes intelligibly */
00710     fprintf( fp, "static const int8 code_%s[%u] = \n{\n\t", szname, cCode );
00711     for( curr = 0; curr < cCode; ++curr )
00712     {
00713         int code = *pCode++;
00714         if( code == -128 )
00715         {
00716             fputs( "-128,\n\t", fp );
00717         }
00718         else
00719         {
00720             fprintf( fp, "%d, ", code );
00721         }
00722     }
00723     fputs( "\n};\n", fp );
00724     if( !bMask && shape->pack )
00725     {
00726         size_t cData = OPC_NAMING(Shape_PackLutSize)( shape );
00727         size_t cols = 0;
00728 #ifdef OPC_POINTERS
00729         const uint8* plut = (const opc_pack_type*)shape->pack;
00730 #else
00731         const uint8* plut = (const opc_pack_type*)shape + shape->pack;
00732 #endif
00733         /* Align data so a few more 32 bit DMA's can happen on 8/16 bit art */
00734         fprintf( fp, "static const OPC_NAMING(Pixel) pack_%s[%u] __attribute__((aligned)) = \n{\n\t", szname, cData );
00735         while( cData-- )
00736         {
00737             fprintf( fp, "%d,", (unsigned)*plut++ );
00738             ++cols;
00739             if( 0 == (cols & 0xf) )
00740             {
00741                 fputs( "\n\t", fp );
00742                 cols = 0;
00743             }
00744         }
00745         fputs( "\n};\n", fp );
00746     }
00747     if( !bMask && shape->data )
00748     {
00749         /* Draw shapes recognizably */
00750         size_t cData = OPC_NAMING(Shape_DataSize)( shape );
00751         size_t cols = 0;
00752 #ifdef OPC_POINTERS
00753         const uint8* pData = (const uint8*)shape->data;
00754 #else
00755         const uint8* pData = (const uint8*)shape + shape->data;
00756 #endif
00757         /* Align data so a few more 32 bit DMA's can happen on 8/16 bit art */
00758         fprintf( fp, "static const OPC_NAMING(Pixel) data_%s[%u] __attribute__((aligned)) = \n{\n\t", szname, cData );
00759         while( cData-- )
00760         {
00761 #ifdef PIXEL_OUTPUT
00762             PIXEL_OUTPUT( fp, *pData++ );
00763 #else
00764             switch(sizeof(OPC_NAMING(Pixel)))
00765             {
00766             case 1:
00767                 fprintf( fp, "0x%02x,", (unsigned)*pData++ );
00768                 break;
00769             case 2:
00770                 fprintf( fp, "0x%04x,", (unsigned)*pData++ );
00771                 break;
00772             case 4:
00773                 fprintf( fp, "0x%08x,", (unsigned)*pData++ );
00774                 break;
00775             case 8:
00776                 fprintf( fp, "0x%" LLX(char) ",", (uint64)*pData++ );
00777                 break;
00778             default:
00779                 throwassert( "Invalid pixel size." );
00780                 break;
00781             }
00782 #endif
00783             ++cols;
00784             if( 0 == (cols & 0xf) )
00785             {
00786                 fputs( "\n\t", fp );
00787                 cols = 0;
00788             }
00789             else if( 0 == (cols & 7) )
00790             {
00791                 fputs( " ", fp );
00792             }
00793         }
00794         fputs( "\n};\n", fp );
00795     }
00796 }

Generated on Fri Jan 2 15:28:34 2009 for Squat by  doxygen 1.5.6